Q: Is the cost of materials included in tuition?
A: Yes. Not only is UNOH’s online MBA program exceptionally affordable, but the costs you incur are even less, as we include the cost of materials. No additional textbooks are required.
Q: How often do I need to log in to my course each week?
A: It is recommended that you log in to your online classroom on a daily basis. At a minimum, you should log in to your online classroom at least three times per week. If you do not, you risk falling behind. Students can expect to spend approximately 8-12 hours per week on their coursework for each class they are registered for.
Q: Do I have to log in at specific times of the day?
A: No. The coursework at University of Northwestern Ohio is 100% asynchronous, meaning that there are no set meeting times unless special arrangements are made with the instructor.
Q: What is the lecture format?
A: There are 10 modules (and 8 modules during summer quarter) with homework, drop boxes, and discussion boards. Many courses have video or audio components. All courses utilize the discussion boards.
Q: Are there group projects involved in the online programs?
A: Yes. In some courses, group projects are required and full details will be made available by your course instructor.
Q: Will I be required to complete a thesis at the end of my program?
A: No. UNOH does not currently require the completion of a thesis at the end of the MBA program, but all students are required to take MBA 690 – Management Capstone.
Q: Why doesn’t UNOH require that I take the GMAT exam to be admitted to the Online MBA program?
A: The MBA program at the University of Northwestern Ohio is proud to be a leader in holistic admission reviews. We take a personalized approach to reviewing applications, and we feel that there are many ways to gauge readiness for advanced study. Visit our online MBA without GMAT requirements page to learn more.
Q: How quickly can I expect my instructor to answer any question I may have?
A: Your instructor should typically respond to your questions within 48 hours of receiving your message sent through your course or email.
Q: If needed, am I allowed to take a break from the program?
A: Yes, you are able to take time off from your program. Students wishing to take a break from the program must contact the Racers Online Support Department at racersonline@unoh.edu.
Q: Am I required to complete my program within a certain time frame?
A: Yes. You must complete the MBA program within five years.
Q: If I run into an issue with an online course is there anyone I can contact?
Help is available by submitting a UNOH IT Helpdesk ticket at https://support.unoh.edu/support-ticket/ or racersonline@unoh.edu. The ticket will help with password issues and Canvas problems. For course specific questions, please contact your professor.
Talk to a Representative About Your Questions
To learn more about one of the most affordable and convenient online MBA programs in Ohio and download a free brochure, fill out the fields below. You can also call (419) 597-5632 to speak to one of our enrollment specialists about our online MBA program.